Thursday 6 October 2016

Specializations in Dentistry

At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Institute, we offer a variety of specializations available in dental colleges.

Endodontics: we provide certified rotary endodontic course at our institute. Endodontists are specialized in maintaining teeth through Root Canal Treatment involving removal of pulp. We train our candidates in diagnosis & planning the treatment accordingly. We incorporate different & latest files system & equipments.

Laser Course: A practice builder for general practitioners
Laser therapy allows practitioners to work effectively & efficiently without causing any trauma to the patient & leads to faster wound healing. We provide patients, hands on training sessions, intensive lectures, & interactive discussion on basics & clinical applications of diode lasers in clinical dentistry.

Orthodontic Course: We conduct one year fellowship in clinical orthodontics. In Orthodontic Course we deal with diagnosis & correction of malocclusion through fixed or removable appliances as per the treatment plan.

Oral Surgery Course: We provide our candidates with different & challenging cases. This specialization includes head & neck cancers, jaw tumours, maxillofacial trauma & cleft lip & palate.

Prosthodontic Course: We specialize our participants in the aesthetic restoration & replacement of teeth which includes variety of treatment protocol.

Master Clinical Implant Training: We conduct the most proficient clinical training on live patients & ICOI affiliate course. We introduce our participants with thirteen implant systems like Bio Horizon, Neo-Biotech, Seawon Meditech Implant, Mirell Implant, Inno Implant, Alpha Bio, Nobel Biocare, Adin Implants, Osstem Implants, CSM Implant & Biomet-3i, Lifecare, Global Implants, NORIS, GMI, and CORTEX. Our session consists of 5 implant placements with direct & indirect sinus lift procedures, PRF, bone augmentation procedures, bone grafting techniques.
Participant looking for specialization in dentistry, Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Institute is the appropriate institute for you to begin your specialization. We provide you the utmost exposure of patients & latest technologies. We offer extremely challenging cases which build up eminent confidence of working independently.   

Periodontal Disease In The Elder: Management

1.      The elderly people are the growing group people and their teeth needs to be retained for longer so the requirements for Dental Treatment in this age group are increasing. And also, there is a higher chance of finding increased levels of periodontal pocketing in the elderly.
2.      The consequence of untreated disease like periodontitis is tooth loss, which impacts directly on nutrition, quality of life, self esteem, whole body wellbeing and aesthetics of a patient. It is also associated with serious systemic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

3.      When the gums pull away from teeth, the roots of your teeth which were earlier covered are left bared and exposed and this puts your dental health at risk for decay and damage. If they are left untreated, receding gums will lead to functional and aesthetic problems.
4.      Periodontal tissues undergoes changes like reduction in epithelial thickness, reduced keratinisation, reduced blood supply, reduced cell turnover, reduced saliva production as a result of Periodontitis Courses.
5.      Immune function is also affected and it results in reduced activity and function of lymphocytes, reduced antioxidant levels, reduced cytokine production, reduced neutrophil chemotaxis therefore resulting in reduced ability to resist infection and heal.
6.      Debilitating diseases such as stroke and arthritis can significantly affect a patient’s ability to perform oral hygiene techniques. We can help these patients by suggesting a powered brush or you may also customize the brush to help the grip. Guide and help them perform their oral hygiene regime. Always give positive reinforcement to older patients about oral hygiene and encourage them to maintain it.

What Are The Treatment Options?
1.      Scaling and roots planning, stabilization of the teeth is first line of treatment if the recession is caused by periodontal disease. Oral hygiene maintenance is extremely important to avoid further gum recession and bone loss.
2.      In case of overaggressive brushing, visit your dentist and he can help you by demonstrating the proper brushing technique and recommending the best oral hygiene tools according to your requirement.
3.      By eating healthy, fibrous food, maintaining a balanced diet, smoking cessation and regular use of dental appliances for your grinding habit can also prevent the gingival recession.

4.      If you experience hypersensitivity to cold and hot drinks or food, consult your dentist. If the damage to teeth is less, then it can be corrected by desensitizing agents, varnishes and dentine bonding agents. He may recommend specific toothpaste and mouthwash to reduce the sensitivity.

Key points on diagnosis in periodontology

It is a challenge to identify endodontic involvement while forming a periodontal diagnosis. For a successful treatment it is essential to identify pathologies involvement especially endodontic involvement.

Questions to be asked while forming a diagnosis-
1.    What are the etiological factors?
2.    Are there any co-morbidity?
3.    Is it a periodontal disease?

·       The knowledge of the etiology of the disease is highly important, since the success of the treatment depends on the rapidity of its onset.
·       Perio-endo lesions depict a close relationship between pulp & periodontium through the apical foramen, accessory canals & dentinal tubules of the root.
·       Diagnosis: Radiographic interpretations are more reliable. The presence of bone loss, deep restorations & Endodontic Treatments can be evaluated, which eventually helps to diagnose the origin of the lesion i.e. whether the lesion is of periodontal or endodontic origin.

·       Among the criteria for the diagnosis, the clinical history of the patient is of great significance. History of trauma, caries, abrasions, defective restorations can develop into pulp necrosis which indicates the lesion to be of endodontic origin. Whereas, in cases of presence of calculus, plaque, gingival inflammation & periodontitis, there is the probability of the lesion to be of periodontal origin.

·       Often the lesion of endodontic origin drains by the mucosa, gingiva or gingival sulcus; when the lesion is of periodontal origin, the drainage is through the periodontal pocket. Thus the path of fistula should be tracked to determine the lesion origin.

·       Single-rooted teeth have less favourable prognosis than multirooted teeth, since multirooted teeth can undergo root resection as an alternative treatment.

·       Treatment protocol:
§  Exclusively endodontic lesion- Root canal treatment is performed with intracanal medications like calcium hydroxide because of its mineralizing & antimicrobial action.
§  Lesion involving only periodontium- The periodontal therapy is performed comprising of scaling & root planing. 0.12% chlorhexidine solution is used as an antimicrobial agent during the treatment to control periodontal infections.

§  Perio-endo lesions- If two diseases are combined, the primary treatment recommended is the treatment of endodontic lesion, followed by Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy.
In cases with no improvement in periodontal conditions, scaling & root planing is performed, guided tissue regeneration can be used to prevent migration of epithelial cells towards the defect during the healing process.

Is it a periodontal disease or other condition?

·       There are vast majority of conditions that may mimic periodontitis.
·       Gingivitis- Lichen planus, pemphigus/pemphigoid, herpes, leukemia etc.
Bone loss- Squamous cell carcinoma, giant cell granuloma, hyperparathyroidism, neutropenic conditions etc.
·       Factors one should consider- asymptomatic, intraoral lesion, vital tooth within a destructive lesion, change in general health, rapid change in lesions, not localised to gingival margin, isolated lesions in periodontally healthy patient & no response to the periodontal treatment.

It is extremely important to know how to differentiate between the origins of the lesions. This gives a direct conclusion to the correct diagnosis & adequate treatment resulting in successful treatment of the periodontal-endodontic lesions.